Help with Stats

  • Maths Anxiety

    How you personally learn might be unique, but you'd be surprised how many people feel the same way. Overcoming anxiety is the first step to mastery and this e-book will help make a difference.

  • Content Overwhelm

    Symbols, formulas, critical cutoffs, sampling distributions and standard errors - all seem to be thrown at you, as if they are normal things. Stop! Take a deep breath and let's do this one step at a time.

  • The Simple Approach

    These simple info-graphs show the basic relationships between core stats concepts. They are built around an idea I like to call "The Stats World". Stats is now much easier to learn and master.

Is this e-book for me?

Thousands of People Already Enjoy My Info-Graphs

  • Are you studying statistics and find the whole thing a bit overwhelming? YES

  • Do you like to see the big picture and know how everything fits together? YES

  • Would you like someone to just explain the parts that matter? YES

E-book Contents

Clear Ideas Presented Concisely

This E-Book is More Than Just Pictures

The Sampling Distribution is one of the least understood ideas in statistics. These Info-graphs might be the solution you are looking for. Check out the trial offer today and see if this e-book is something you will value.
Clear Ideas Presented Concisely