Simple z-Table Lookup

I created this one page pdf document to help students with stats overwhelm. Use it for either learning or lookup.

  • See all values on one page

  • Follow my guided 4-step process for looking up values

  • Find the area under the curve above or below a certain standard score

  • Find the linear distance to a certain area under the curve

  • Use one decimal place z-scores

  • Learn about z-Table values by seeing the similarity across data columns

  • Download for just $3.50

Not All z-Tables Are Created Equal

A quick search on the web shows that some z-Tables are better than others.

Sometimes we want the area above the z-score and other times the area below. Sometimes we need to look up a p-value using a positive z-score and other times a negative . Maybe we want to find the percentage or maybe we want it as a decimal. In fact, often we need to look up the z-score based on the given area under the curve value.

When students try to understand how one z-Table works, it doesn't seem to help them understand how they all work. Every z-Table out there has its own system for presenting normal distribution data.

This very Simple z-Table Lookup helps students learn exactly how all z-Tables relate to one another. One single page lets you see at a glance the different areas under the curve for both positive and negative distances.

Simple z-Table Lookup (PDF)

Download your PDF Document Today!

This simple and clear z-Table Lookup document allows students to see the relationship between linear z-scores and area under the curve p-values, with their approximate percentage. It presents both positive and negative linear distances side by side.
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